143. Solving Problems with Project Based Learning: Featuring Dr. Ryan Read
In remote learning, have you felt restricted with the new learning environment? This week’s guest, Dr. Ryan Read, shares how to use project based learning in all learning models for students to gain experience in solving real world problems. In this episode, we discuss: Struggles with Blended Learning Building Authentic Relationship Remotely Social Media Burnout…
142. Grading From the Inside Out: Featuring Tom Schimmer
This week’s guest, Tom Schimmer, shares his journey as a leader, redefining accountability in grading, the myths of standards based grading and the importance of descriptive feedback. In this episode, we discuss: Standards Based Mindset Grading True North Myths about Standards Based Grading And Grading From the Inside Out About Tom Schimmer: Tom Schimmer is…
Top 5 Reading Recommendations with Greg Moffitt
In this bonus episode, Greg Moffitt shares his five top leadership books and the reasons he loves these amazing resources. In addition, Greg introduces two bonus children’s books to instill leadership qualities in our classrooms. About Greg Moffitt: Greg Moffitt is the Principal at Fairmont Charter Elementary School in the Vacaville Unified School District (Vacaville,…
141. Will I Be Enough?: Featuring Dr. Basil Marin
Based on your past educational struggles, have you ever asked yourself, “Will I be enough in this leadership position?”. This week’s guests, Dr. Basil Marin, explains how his struggles in school created doubt about the impact he could make on student’s lives and his leadership capacity. In this episode, we discuss: The Challenges of Higher…
Aspire Mailbag: Measuring Your Influence with Jeff Gargas and Joshua Stamper
In this 20th Aspire Mailbag episode, Jeff Gargas and I answer questions on different leadership topics provided by the listeners. Please join us for this episode as we answer questions and discuss how to measure your influence as a leader, advancing in a non-traditional route, planning for your first 90 days on the job, and…