40. Igniting a True Love of Learning: Featuring Kris Felicello

Does homework ignite a true love of learning? This week’s guest, Kris Felicello, discusses the role of homework, taking the first step to action, impacting through district leadership, and how to provide positive support.

About our Guest:

Dr. Kris Felicello has been in the field of education for over 25 years, currently the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services in the North Rockland Central School District in Rockland County, New York., Presenter, & blogger.

Follow Kris Felicello:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KFelicello?lang=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Theteacherandtheadmin-143811989719796/

Blog: http://theteacherandtheadmin.com/

Follow our Host

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Joshua__Stamper

Instagram: www.instagram.com/joshua__stamper

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-stamper

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About the author, Joshua

Joshua Stamper is the Training and Development Specialist for the Teach Better Team and manages the Teach Better Podcast Network. Prior to Joshua's current position, he was a middle school Administrator, classroom art educator, and athletic coach.

In addition to being on the Teach Better Team, Joshua is the author of Aspire to Lead, podcaster, leadership coach, and education presenter.

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