110. Taking a Gamble on Education: Featuring Kristen Nan

Kristen Nan, Aspire Podcast

How important is it to be connected to other educators outside of your building? This week’s guest, Kristen Nan, shares how she almost walked away from teaching and how she took a gamble on education, which led her to an amazing professional learning network. Join us as Kristen provides steps of how she constructed a community of support and the risks she took to enhance her leadership skills. 

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In this Episode, we discuss:

  • Constructing a Community of Support
  • Taking Risks 
  • Virtual Conferences
  • And “All In: Taking a Gamble on Education”

About Kristen Nan:

An educator for the last 23 years, Kristen Nan’s passion for building relationships with her students, colleagues, and community continues to ignite change for the better! Kristen has served as an emotional support teacher, learning support teacher, and classroom teacher from Pittsburgh, PA. In addition to her current role as a 3rd-grade teacher, Kristen is an author, national speaker, and consultant. With keeping a future-ready mindset at the forefront for every child, she has been recognized as an award-winning educator for innovative practices. Kristen’s recent release, “ALL IN, Taking a Gamble in Education” is co-authored by Jacie Maslyk and focuses on the importance of risk-taking, chances, and building relationships between teachers and administrators.


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About the author, Joshua

Joshua Stamper is the Training and Development Specialist for the Teach Better Team and manages the Teach Better Podcast Network. Prior to Joshua's current position, he was a middle school Administrator, classroom art educator, and athletic coach.

In addition to being on the Teach Better Team, Joshua is the author of Aspire to Lead, podcaster, leadership coach, and education presenter.

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