60. Instilling Hope in Tragedy, The Story of Columbine’s Resilience and Recovery: Featuring Frank DeAngelis

As a leader, what would we do if we faced immense tragedy at our school? This week’s guest, Frank DeAngelis, discusses how important it is to instill hope, relationship building, trauma informed practices and safety into our schools. 

About Frank DeAngelis:

I am honored to have Frank DeAngelis on the podcast this week. Frank is the retired principal of Columbine High School, serving as an educator for the Jeffco School District in Littleton Colorado, since 1979. As a Colorado native, Frank retired from his position as principal of Columbine High School after thirty-five years of service. After the tragic shootings on April 20, 1999, DeAngelis mourned with the Columbine community. He vowed to never forget those who were murdered, those who were injured, and all who were impacted by the tragedy. He dedicated his life and career to helping his students recover. He committed to staying on as principal to help the students and the community heal. Columbine was his family. Frank now is a security and educational consultant, speaker and Author of a new book, “They Call Me Mr. De”. 

Follow Frank DeAngelis:

**All Proceeds of the book go to charity funds

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About the author, Joshua

Joshua Stamper is the Training and Development Specialist for the Teach Better Team and manages the Teach Better Podcast Network. Prior to Joshua's current position, he was a middle school Administrator, classroom art educator, and athletic coach.

In addition to being on the Teach Better Team, Joshua is the author of Aspire to Lead, podcaster, leadership coach, and education presenter.

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