EduMatch Launch with Mandy Froehlich and Todd Nesloney

EduMatch, Aspire to Lead, Joshua Stamper, Todd Nesloney, Mandy Froehlich, Teach Better, #AspireLead

EduMatch Celebration for Aspire to Lead 

On the day my new book, Aspire to Lead, launched, I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Mandy Froehlick and Todd Nesloney about the different aspects of this educational leadership resource. Join us as we share some strategies, insights on leadership, and funny stories about the process. 

In this Episode, we also discuss:

  • The A.S.P.I.R.E. Model 
  • Why I wrote this book and how it will help current and aspiring leaders
  • Stories with Todd Nesloney about his foreword

About Mandy Froehloch:

Mandy Froehlich passionately encourages educators to create innovative change in their classrooms. A former Director of Innovation and Technology, technology integrator, and teacher, she has experience at many levels of the organizational structure. Her interest lies in reinvigorating and re-engaging teachers back into their profession, as well as what’s needed to support teachers in their pursuit of innovative and divergent thinking and teaching. She consults internationally with school districts and post-secondary institutions in the effective use of technology to support great teaching, mental health support for educators, and how to create organizational change. Her first book, The Fire Within: Lessons from defeat that have ignited a passion for learning, discusses mental health awareness for teachers. Her second book, Divergent EDU, is based on an organizational structure she developed to support teachers in innovative and divergent thinking. Her third book, based on educator engagement and mental health called Reignite the Flames, will be released spring 2020.

Follow Mandy Froehloch: 



About Todd Nesloney:

Todd Nesloney is the Director of Culture and Strategic Leadership for the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA). He was previously a Principal/Lead Learner at a PreK-5 school in Texas. He is an award winning author for his work in co-authoring Kids Deserve It! and Sparks in the Dark. He has also written the book Stories from Webb and published a children’s book, Spruce & Lucy. Todd has been recognized by John C. Maxwell as a Top 10 Finalist for the 2018 Transformational Leadership Award, by the White House as a Connected Educator “Champion of Change”, the National School Board Association as one of the “20 to Watch” in Education, the Center for Digital Education as one of their “Top 40 Innovators in Education”, the BAMMYs as the “National Elementary Principal of the Year” and the “National Elementary Teacher of the Year”, and the Texas Computer Education Association as their “Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year”.

Follow Todd Nesloney: 

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Need a Presenter for a conference or school PD?

Contact Joshua Stamper  for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.

Joshua Stamper, Teach Better

Joshua Stamper, Teach Better

Watch my session on Trauma Informed, restorative and social emotional practices at


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I want to give a huge shout out to those who have taken the time to provide a review on Apple, Spotify or any other podcast platform. It truly means the world to me that you would take the 30- 90 seconds to share how the podcast has positively impacted you or why other educators should check out the show.

Teach Better Podcast Network, Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast

Teach Better Podcast Network, Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast

About the author, Joshua

Joshua Stamper is the Training and Development Specialist for the Teach Better Team and manages the Teach Better Podcast Network. Prior to Joshua's current position, he was a middle school Administrator, classroom art educator, and athletic coach.

In addition to being on the Teach Better Team, Joshua is the author of Aspire to Lead, podcaster, leadership coach, and education presenter.

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