Bonus Episode: Classroom and Campus Culture with Todd Nesloney

Joshua Stamper, Todd Nesloney, Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast

Today, May 9th, is a special day for two reasons, 1. It’s mother’s day and 2. Today is the 3rd anniversary of the Aspire podcast! Join Todd Nesloney and I as we celebrate mothers day, the three year anniversary of the podcast and our discussion on classroom and campus culture! Featuring Todd Nesloney and Joshua…

145. Natural Learning Opportunities: Featuring Becky Schnekser

Joshua Stamper, Becky Schnekser, Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast, Teach Better, DBC inc

In your classrooms, are your students participating in one interactive lesson per unit or are they experiencing natural learning opportunities each day? This week’s guest, Becky Schnekser, shares how transforming her classroom allowed her students to explore, engage, and discover new learning opportunities to model interactive field experiences.  In this episode, we discuss: Field Science…

144. Activity Rich and Impact Poor: Featuring Peter DeWitt

Peter DeWitt, Joshua Stamper, Aspire: The leadership Development Podcast, School Culture

On your campus or in your district, do you have a lot of initiatives being implemented? What is the impact of each of those initiatives or programs? This week’s guest, Peter DeWitt, shares how relationship building and collaboration with teachers are the most rich actions by a leader and how you can have a greater…

Top 5 Reading Recommendations with Brad Hughes

Joshua Stamper, Brad Hughes, Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast, Top 5 Reading recommendations

In this bonus episode, Brad Hughes shares his five top leadership books and the reasons he loves these amazing resources. In addition, we discuss his new podcast and some Teach Better event details.  About Brad Hughes: Brad Hughes is the host of The Good News, Brad News Podcast. Brad is an elementary school principal in…