88. Adverse Leadership Experiences: Featuring Bethany Hill

What would you do if your current position created an unbalanced life and triggered previous personal traumas? This week’s guest, Bethany Hill, shares how she took a step back to take a step forward and found the balance needed to be successful.
In this Episode, we discuss:
- Defeating Self Doubt
- Trauma Informed Practices
- Social Emotional Health for the Staff
- Professional Challenges
- And Sharing your Voice
Follow Bethany Hill:
- Website: www.bethanyshill.com
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethhill2829
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethanyhill1/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BHillfearlesseducator/
- Other: to book speaking engagements, email to joyfulleaders@gmail.com
About Bethany Hill:
Bethany has been an educator for 21 years and considers herself a teacher who has filled many roles. Her experience includes teaching grades one, two, and three, instructional coaching, literacy trainer for her district, assistant principal, and principal. She is currently the assistant principal at Magness Creek Elementary in Cabot, Arkansas. She is the founder of #JoyfulLeaders, a hashtag that promotes positivity and encouragement among educators, and one of the originators of #EduAR, a Twitter chat focusing on trending topics in education. Her passions and speaking engagement topics include: school culture, adult learning, scientifically based reading instruction, trauma informed practices, and social emotional learning. You can connect with Bethany on Twitter @bethhilll2829, Instagram, @bethanyhill1, her website at bethanyshill.com, or her Facebook page, Inspiration for Educators. To inquire about speaking engagements, send an email to joyfulleaders@gmail.com.
Go Community!

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Contact Joshua Stamper for presentations on Restorative Practices, Leadership Development, and Innovative campus systems.
Follow the Host, Joshua Stamper:
- Contact: https://joshstamper.com/contact/
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/Joshua__Stamper
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/joshua__stamper
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-stamper
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